Saturday, 19 June 2010
Asante sana (thank you very much) to everyone who has bought a Recipe Book! This week we have sold over 60 books with more ordered! So let me know quickly if you would still like to get one before they are all gone! I have some left or you can find them in various places around Aldermaston or in the Tadley Community Centre! Tim and I were at the Aldermaston school assembly on Friday, talking about what we are doing in Tanzania and congratulating Sophie Messer with a prize for her recipe book cover page artwork! So to all you cooks .... Furahieni chakula chunu! (bon apetite!)

And as we get closer now to going, we would like to say a big asante sana to all those of you who are supporting us! We so appreciate the donations and the monthly support. Your involvement in what we are doing and your generosity is humbling and overwhelming in the most positive way! Thank you!

It was wonderful today to visit with Pastor Charles Mkumbo from Mwanza in Tanzania. Tim picked him up from Redcliffe College in Gloucester, where he is studying for a month, and we had a meal with him at Tim's parents! It was my first time to meet him (Tim has been with him in Tanzania) and next time I see him we will be in Tanzania! We hope to be able to work with him and Pastor Zakayo in Mwanza at some point! We saw photos of the work that has been done in Mama Minga's orphanage in Mwanza since Tim and the team from Tadley went last year. It is good! They have built four latrines for the children now!

As you might guess, as I throw in a few Swahili words in this blog, I have been thinking about the language! I had such great intentions for learning some Swahili before we went, but .... I have not done very well! And have now resigned myself to the fact that in the time that is left, I will get no further! Si kitu (no matter), I will just have to work very hard to keep up with Tim at language school when we arrive! And with that kwa heri (goodbye)!

Rachel Monger

I moved to Tanzania from the UK with my husband, Tim and two daughters Amisadai and Louisa in September 2010. We currently live and work in Mwanza, with Emmanuel International and local churches here to serve the poor in their communities. We run a fuel-efficient stoves project alongside which we can work in areas of Biblical teaching and discipleship, nutrition and cooking and agriculture.