Monday, 18 April 2011
We have had a wonderful few weeks with my parents visiting from Canada! I brought them back from the airport in Dar es Salaam on the bus, and they were greeted by two very excited girls at the bus station in Iringa. We have had two weeks of fun; we have celebrated a record number of birthdays and Christmasses in two weeks and had more visits to Hasty Tasty for mandaazis and samosas than we've had all year!

A meal out at Sai Villa

Teaching Mama to make a jiko

Celebrating Louisa's birthday (which really is on Sunday!)
We are leaving for Dar es Salaam very early tomorrow morning to catch the Upendo Budget bus and hope to arrive in the afternoon in time to enjoy a farewell dinner by the Indian Ocean. Mum and Dad then fly home and we are going to join our good friends Huruma and Joyce and children for a few days at the beach. We will join them to celebrate Easter with their church and return home early next week. And we will be back in our blogging routine again then! Until then, Happy Easter to you all!

Rachel Monger

I moved to Tanzania from the UK with my husband, Tim and two daughters Amisadai and Louisa in September 2010. We currently live and work in Mwanza, with Emmanuel International and local churches here to serve the poor in their communities. We run a fuel-efficient stoves project alongside which we can work in areas of Biblical teaching and discipleship, nutrition and cooking and agriculture.


  1. thanks for posting!!
    what great photos!

  2. What a treat to be all together! Lovely to see the photos. :) Happy Easter!

  3. Thank you for sharing Rachel! Your family is looking wonderful as usual!
    Have a Blessed Easter!
    the ozakis :)
