Saturday, 20 August 2011
As I write, all I can think about is a shower. And water. I am longing to have some hot water gushing from a tap or shower and I know I will never again take water for granted! We came back from Magozi to find a water problem here where we live in Iringa; we have had a few dribs and drabs of water since the beginning of the week. I managed a dribble of cold shower on Wednesday, and that has been it! But we have a rainwater tank (which will be filled again in December when the rains come) and manage fine with buckets. In Magozi the situation is much worse as the water from the new water project is not working and the overworked old system is now also struggling to provide water. So apart from dribs and drabs at the pumps, people are left to fetch the incredibly dirty water from the Little Ruaha River, which is a very long walk away. Pray this problem gets fixed soon.

The kiln is now completed! Tim was able to take Titus, an EI fundi (builder) who built the kiln for us in town, with him to Magozi to oversee the work there. It is ready to fire the first 40+ stoves when they are fully dried in about four weeks.

The new kiln being admired outside the church in Magozi
Today was a big day in Magozi with a visit from Bishop Donald, the retired Bishop of Ruaha, previously also the Archbishop of Tanzania. I went over to the primary school beforehand to "help" the ladies prepare a large celebratory feast for the honoured guests. We carried some onions, tomatoes and cabbage, and also two goats legs - by the furry hooves! I felt safer with the cabbage while they cut the meat off the goat's leg!

Notice the furry hoof!
I didn't stay very long as other ladies were preparing chai with sweet potatoes and maadazi which was served in our house on the Bishop's arrival. We could then proceed with the reason for the visit - the Confirmation Service in the church. About 30 people were confirmed and it was celebrated as is usual here with wonderful singing! Three choirs today! After the three hour service, followed by lots of photos (with a brief delay while the man with the camera had to change his kodak film), the Bishop came for a brief tour of the stoves project, and seemed suitably impressed! From here, we went to the special lunch for those who were confirmed along with invited guests. The goat was delicious, although Louisa wasn't too sure after seeing it in its previous state! It was a good time.

Bishop Donald (second from right, bottom)

In the middle of coming and going, farewells to the Wingfields, starting homeschooling, building kilns and celebrating confirmations, we had a wonderful few days with Huruma and Joyce and three of their children who came to visit us from Dar. We had a lovely time, taking them to Ruaha National Park - a first for them. We did really well, seeing lots of amazing animals, including buffalo which we missed last time, and a black mamba on the road with us. The Nkone family have been so generously supportive of us here in Tanzania, and it was wonderful to share our home with them this time. And for the children as well - they had a great time playing together!

With the Nkone Family

Our Lion

Black Mamba

So much has happened in a week, it is hard to believe it really has only been a week! But there it is, and at the end of it I'm still dirty!

Rachel Monger

I moved to Tanzania from the UK with my husband, Tim and two daughters Amisadai and Louisa in September 2010. We currently live and work in Mwanza, with Emmanuel International and local churches here to serve the poor in their communities. We run a fuel-efficient stoves project alongside which we can work in areas of Biblical teaching and discipleship, nutrition and cooking and agriculture.