Saturday, 17 September 2011
We are very thankful to have Tim and Stout still with us! They arrived back from Magozi yesterday saying that the land cruiser had problems. Well, Andy came to have a look, and we all saw, there certainly were problems! A big problem! The spring had broken (snapped), suspension was gone and the loose wheel had shifted to point in a different direction. Andy was amazed they made it back intact, that they had driven it all that way on the bumpy road and the wheel was still on! Also with the broken parts shifting and rubbing, the brake fluid cable was being pinched and so it was a miracle the brakes didn't go too. It is now being fixed, and we just thank God that they made it back safely. And now pray that it can be fixed quickly; this was supposed to be our best vehicle!

This week seems to have flown by! We were at the ICF camp last weekend which was good. Andy celebrated his birthday there! 

Andy's birthday

And then we seem to have been very busy with homseschooling this week. We have tried to pack in lots of work while we have the opportunity, and then can enjoy a break while Greg, Hugh and Lyn from Tadley are here with us in October. We have been doing lots of fun things with photos and powerpoints as you will see on the girls' blog and also learning about the Romans! I'm learning lots about the Romans too! We wonder how far the Romans really got in Africa ... we hear rumours of buried Roman roads and connections between the Roman soldiers and the Masai.... Will need to do some digging here sometime! Exciting mysteries! 
The wealthy Roman lady and her slave
 We had an EI team day yesterday and it was good to stop and pray for all that is going on, and also enjoy some good food together! We were only interrupted once as the cat brought a snake in the house, which was hustled back outside and Mr Kimbe, the day guard, beat it to death with a stick. The snake that is, not the cat!

The stoves group had a an excellent morning this week with business teaching from Mama Margaret Masawa, who lives here in Iringa. She is coming back in November for a whole week of business training which will be fantastic. We are excited about this coming week as we will be firing the first stoves! We are all going to stay out there for five days this week and the big day is set for Thursday! We hope and pray the majority of the stoves survive and the selling gets off to a good start! We will let you know next week how it all goes!
The puppies are growing! All eight doing well!
Still need homes for three ... anyone want a puppy?

Rachel Monger

I moved to Tanzania from the UK with my husband, Tim and two daughters Amisadai and Louisa in September 2010. We currently live and work in Mwanza, with Emmanuel International and local churches here to serve the poor in their communities. We run a fuel-efficient stoves project alongside which we can work in areas of Biblical teaching and discipleship, nutrition and cooking and agriculture.