Saturday, 1 October 2011

Tim is outside building the new chicken house - I can't wait for my fresh eggs again! As this is our last day of internet before we head off to Dar-es-Salaam on Tuesday, I am making the most of it and taking a break from the kitchen. I have now made lots of granola, ready for our UK vistitors next week! That will mean less uji for them! Cooking up breads and cakes too! We are really looking forward to seeing Greg and Hugh and Lyn from our church in the UK! They will be with us for two weeks and will be kept busy in Dar, Iringa and Magozi! We are going to Dar on the bus before they arrive on Friday as we want to find a dentist and get teeth checked (miss you, Mark Holley, if you are reading this!). We also want to get some promotional T-shirts printed for the stoves group as they start selling the stoves. They are so excited about these T-shirts - some people wanted to join the group just so they could get a T-shirt like ours!

I've just looked for the first time since we have been here at the site meter for our blog. This blog has been going now for over 16 months and has 77 posts now! Over 12000 page views and 42 followers and what a lot of countries! I enjoy writing it - it is always good reflecting on what we are doing and why! But we hope you enjoy a little window into our very changed lives, seeing what our new life is like.

I sometimes wonder what you all imagine when you read it! It is often hard to give a true, balanced picture! I also hope those of you who are supporting our work here can feel encouraged and part of what we are doing. We are so very dependent on you and grateful more than we can say! I know it is easy and seems quite impersonal sending this blog out to all of you, and wish I would send more personal letters, but we do think of all of you, our friends, as we send our news out. And we would love to hear some of your news too! We can see by site location all the people that have been reading about what I ramble on about and wonder who you all are! Many of you we can guess by knowing where friends live, but then there are all these others following who we don't even know! And some of you have even sent encouraging messages! Thank you! It is very encouraging! We love to hear from you and know who you are! I like to blog to keep in touch with friends so you know what we are up to, but it is an added bonus to get to know other people along the way!

Thanks for following along! Thanks for encouraging us along the way!

Rachel Monger

I moved to Tanzania from the UK with my husband, Tim and two daughters Amisadai and Louisa in September 2010. We currently live and work in Mwanza, with Emmanuel International and local churches here to serve the poor in their communities. We run a fuel-efficient stoves project alongside which we can work in areas of Biblical teaching and discipleship, nutrition and cooking and agriculture.