Saturday, 11 February 2012
Cooking trials are complete, health is restored and we are ready to go to Magozi early tomorrow morning. We will be having a stoves group meeting after the church service and then on Monday I am hoping a number of women will come over to learn how to make cakes and we will do some reading as well. We will also be talking with a few families about starting some kitchen gardens, something our team from Canada is going to start off when they come in March. On Tuesday, some of the stove group will be meeting to make stoves, they are rotating the work at the moment with working in the fields. So we are looking forward to a full and good few days!
Jiko Madeira Cake
Amisadai was very thankful to be feeling better this morning as it meant she could go horseback riding, something she has been eager to do here for a long time! A friend, Shera, who lives on a farm nearby, has horses and is starting a riding business. Tim took Amisadai today and she absolutely loved it! Louisa is now very keen to go riding as well!
Amisadai, Shera and Roundabout
But Louisa had her own ride this morning! Amisadai was having trouble shutting the big gates as they left this morning, and Tim had to get out the car to help her. Louisa had a panic as she was the only person in the car when it started rolling away! The handbrake has never been too good. Fortunately, the ditch the other side of the road stopped the car after 4 or 5 metres. But with the abrupt stop, she did say, "It was a good job I was wearing my seatbelt!" Amisadai's account to me was rather more exciting than Tim's as she said the car was all tipped up, good job it didn't tip over ....! But Tim said it was fine, and easy enough with 4-wheel drive to drive up out of!

This all increases our excitment for the new vehicle. Our friends in Dar are still looking for us and we hope any day now they will find a something suitable! We are even more keen as our our oats supply is dangerously low and we are seriously rationing porridge! A trip to Dar will solve that dilema too!

Rachel Monger

I moved to Tanzania from the UK with my husband, Tim and two daughters Amisadai and Louisa in September 2010. We currently live and work in Mwanza, with Emmanuel International and local churches here to serve the poor in their communities. We run a fuel-efficient stoves project alongside which we can work in areas of Biblical teaching and discipleship, nutrition and cooking and agriculture.


  1. Rice krispies and frosted flakes will arrive soon! But not soon enough to deal with your oats issue! Taylor was glad Louisa was wearing a seatbelt! Love JCTM

  2. OOOH!!!! Thank you!!!! We can't wait!!
