Friday, 2 March 2012
Magozi in the rain this week! They have really needed the rain there, although unfortunately for many people it is too late for a lot of the maize, which has already died. Life is so uncertain with so much struggle, but they never complain. We took with us a lovely family from the UK who are visiting Tanzania for three months and currently working at Neema Crafts. They have three girls, Amisadai's age and older, and our girls have loved having them around to play these past weeks! It was great having them with us in the village - they cheerfully put up with squeezing into our little house with us and sitting through lots of Swahili conversations and of course the heat and dirty water!

Neil, Sue, Christy, Lois and Annia
It was great to be there; we saw progress with the new clay as members of the group made another five jikos. We had good chats with people preparing for the things we will do when the Canadian visitors come in two weeks time. And showing visitors around our village, just makes us realise again how much we love it and the people who live there!

But back to the rain .... I had started cooking the rice for supper on the jiko outside when the heavens opened! And I mean, really opened! As the other eight ran for cover inside, shutting the doors and shutters to keep out the driving rain, I was left with a problem! While they sat crowded in the dark, with the deafening onslaught of the rain on the tin roof (and even some under the door), I ended up in the outhouse with the jiko, my haybox and a pot of rice and beans. I really shouldn't be writing this, as it goes against everything we are doing here to encourage health and sanitation, but it was desperate measures in a desperate situation, and was rather amusing!
Supper's ready!
The girls could not go anywhere without a following crowd!

Neil and Lois trying out the jiko

To conclude the last blog post, the cheesecake was a great treat! I will definitely be doing that again! But with a busy week, I haven't been able to make any more cheese since then! And for some final miscellaneous news, Amisadai has lost yet another tooth and we are still waiting to find a vehicle.

Rachel Monger

I moved to Tanzania from the UK with my husband, Tim and two daughters Amisadai and Louisa in September 2010. We currently live and work in Mwanza, with Emmanuel International and local churches here to serve the poor in their communities. We run a fuel-efficient stoves project alongside which we can work in areas of Biblical teaching and discipleship, nutrition and cooking and agriculture.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel and Tim
    We will be ready for any adventures that may come our way!
    We are all so excited to come, encourage and help in any way we can! Only 6 more sleeps until we leave.
    Love Patti
