Tuesday, 15 May 2012
It has been good being in Magozi. We have been “being” and not “doing” which from a very Western way of thinking can sometimes be a bit frustrating. So often we want to get the job done,  to see the result, meet the goal … now! But here in Tanzania we have a good opportunity to remember to “be”, without worrying about our own “agenda” or quest to the finish, but following the Leader and enjoying the journey! Without all the stoves work going on in Magozi at the moment because of the harvesting season, we just were just “being” there. As well as a little threshing (which you read about in the last blog), we were meeting with people, practicing Kihehe, the local language (with no great success!) and making the most of opportunities that come up. There are still ladies coming to me wanting to learn how to make bread, and with time on our hands this week, I made my first jiko bread rolls. They were yummy and there will have to be more lessons next time!
Fresh rolls ready!

We visited the gardens that the Canada team started, and although there are some disappointments, we must be encouraged overall as Mama Juliana’s garden is doing very well, the secondary school carrots are doing very well, and the garden that failed initially, is now starting again very well. We are experimenting with some natural pesticides of chilli peppers, garlic (and will try urine if we get desperate) to keep the unwanted bugs away.  This garden idea is taking root, and that is encouraging!
Carrots at the Secondary School
Mama Juliana's tomatoes
 We visited a very small Pentecostal church in a village called Itunundu about 16km on from Magozi. This village, even hotter and drier than Magozi, is where we would like to plan to do the next stoves project. After Tim had preached, two of the Magozi stove group members, Ezekiel and Mendriad spoke about the project and its benefits. We had stopped on the way to talk about the project with the leaders from a nearby Anglican Church who we would like to work with as well. The Anglicans did have a church which was meeting in Itunundu … until the banda fell down and then their small group joined others in the neighbouring village of Kimande! We are excited, as are those in the two villages, about the potential and hope to start when we come back in January. Please do take a look at the projects page at the top of the blog to see how you (or maybe a group you know) can help with getting this project off the ground. We do need some funding, and we would also love to be able to employ someone locally and need funding for a salary, so please let us or Emmanuel International know if you can help in any way at all! 
The Church in Itunundu

Rachel Monger

I moved to Tanzania from the UK with my husband, Tim and two daughters Amisadai and Louisa in September 2010. We currently live and work in Mwanza, with Emmanuel International and local churches here to serve the poor in their communities. We run a fuel-efficient stoves project alongside which we can work in areas of Biblical teaching and discipleship, nutrition and cooking and agriculture.