Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Yes, it's another pig story! I was trying to come up with a good title for this blog ... something to do with Percy the Pig, pigs in baskets, pigs on bikes ... then add in a rabbit in the pie and there seemed scope for something funny, but I couldn't quite get there!

The other night a man turned up at our gate wanting to buy our pig. Right then and there! In the dark. Wondering how he would get the pig home, we then saw his motorbike! I couldn't believe he was seriously going to take this strong pig home on the back of his bike! I thought travelling with a pig in the back of a landcrusiser was bad enough! The noise was horrific as Percy was dragged, kicking and squealing out of his cozy home to the front gate.

Percy leaves home
Still wondering how on earth they were going to get this stubborn and resisting pig on the bike, we watched in amazement! The buyer and our night guard tied the legs of the pig together; no easy task with all the squealing and thrashing about .. and to Amisadai and Louisa's horror, doing number twos in the process! They then proceeded to put poor Percy into a basket and tie him in.

Pig in a basket
I was still very unsure that poor Percy, thrashing about would ever stay in the basket or that the basket would ever stay on the bike, but the basket was tied on tightly to the bike. And then Percy was gone. Snout in the man's back. Farewell to a good pig.
Bye, Percy!

Also at the weekend, Tim and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary! We can't believe it's been twelve years, but are very thankful for every one of them!

We had a lovely day on Sunday, coming home from the early Pentecostal service for cinnamon buns, homemade granola, yogurt and papaya. Later for lunch we enjoyed some homemade halloumi (made the day before), grilled on fresh sun-dried tomato bread. And then for dinner, thanks to Kate's kind babysitting service, Tim and I went out for pizza! It has been months and months since we've been out together for a meal and it was a real treat! And thank you for all the lovely messages on facebook - we felt very loved and remembered. And it was nice to feel like we were connected with the rest of the world with something all could relate to!
Anniversary Brunch

Pressing the cheese

Yum! Halloumi Cheese
We had planned to make cheddar cheese, planning ahead for Christmas! But the poor cows next door didn't have enough milk, so we settled for a quick halloumi which we could eat right away. We will try again at the Cheddar-making another day!

And finally, as was hinted at in the beginning, we said a fond farewell to one of the rabbits yesterday. So what's next cookin' in Tanzania? I think it's Rabbit Pie!

Rachel Monger

I moved to Tanzania from the UK with my husband, Tim and two daughters Amisadai and Louisa in September 2010. We currently live and work in Mwanza, with Emmanuel International and local churches here to serve the poor in their communities. We run a fuel-efficient stoves project alongside which we can work in areas of Biblical teaching and discipleship, nutrition and cooking and agriculture.